So today I wore this shirt to school. I ordered it from the site you can see on the shirt, thanks to Dan D. forwarding it to me. I didn't get the shirt until about 3 weeks ago and I am so excited to wear it to a Cardinal/Cub game next year!
I hope I never see the Cubs win a World Series in my lifetime. I know that the reason I feel so strongly about this is because I attended Eastern Illinois University and probably 2 of every 3 students there were from Chicago or its subarbs. I formed an attitude towards Chicago people within the first few hours of being at college. For real. I love visiting Chicago but I HATE all sports teams from there, simply because from my experience, people from there seem to think they are better than us southerners and tend to think that anything south of Kankakee is "southern Illinois." I got really tired of hearing things like "You don't know where Elmhurst is????" or "You've never eaten at Ed Debevic's???" Get a clue, people. There really is life beyond Chicago. No, I don't hold grudges.....
HA! I love "life beyond Chicago."
Up here in Peoria...we're still considered "Downstate". Basically anything outside of Chicago..or, South of Interstate 80. The term "Downstate" to me means stuff like Carbondale..or, Cairo. Certainly NOT Peoria!! LOL
Ha! I got to experience some of that Chicago attitude this Summer. Yep, they think we are all just a bunch of hicks. I personally think they need to separate the state and make a Northern Illinois and Southern Illinois. I'm tired of Chicago deciding our state's electoral college vote!
Love the shirt! I dealt with the same thing when I was at ISU!
Nice shirt!
Have you seen my blog today? We were at the game in Chicago when they clinched the Central Division. While we were really disappointed that the Cardinals couldn't hold them off, it WAS kind of neat to see the fans appreciating their team.
As Cardinals fans we appreciated their team appreciation.
And yeah, I've never met anyone from Illinois 'outside of Chicago' who didn't seem to look down at us...and continually pull their heritage into conversations, "I'm Italian..."
In my college days I liked to answer that with, "No, you're American."
I currently work at EIU, and I have lived in the Charleston area my entire life. I was born and raised a Cub fan, and I have only been to Chicago a few times in my entire 30+ years. I like the shirt, but one of these days, the cubs might surprise you. I hope you found some good attitudes at EIU while you were there as well. I assume you were an education major in Buzzard at EIU?
Beth (nice name!), first of all, thanks for reading my blog. Second, no I was a math major and had only a few classes in Buzzard Hall. Most of my time was spent in good old Old Main. I did find some good attitudes at EIU and I absolutely LOVED my time there, but seriously, the people I became the closest to were from Mt. Vernon, Peoria, and Champaign.....nowhere near Chicago. I just think that I shared common values and habits moreso with those "types" of people than those from further north. Maybe the whole thing is just in my head, I don't know. Was it 1989 when the Cubs had a successful season and went onto the postseason as well? Anyway, I remember someone writing an article for the Dailey Eastern News and bashing the Cardinals. This was shortly after school started in August. I put my copy of that newspaper in the bottom drawer of my desk, waiting for the day the Cubs lost in the postseason. I then wrote my own "letter to the editor" and bashed this person and the Cubs right back. Sort of a "don't count your chickens before they are hatched" short of thing. I seriously don't think I would hate the Cubs so badly had those Chicago people at EIU not thought they were better than us from the south.
sort of thing, not short of thing
It is kind of like when you say you went to Triad HS and pepole say oh you are from Troy - NO! You tell pepole that you are from Ill. and they say are you from Chicago - NO!
Hey Beth...this really has nothing to do with this topic..but, thought it was kinda neat. There's a lady up here who has a blog under the title "Lollygaggin'. She and her husband, her third, just bought a home about a year ago on the Illinois River. Well...we just went through the worst flooding in over 25 years..thanks to the 7.5 inches of rain a few Sundays ago. Water literally came within an inch of getting into their house. Lots of homes were really flooded, and even downtown Peoria's riverfront was closed for two weeks cause the water was up a couple of blocks. Anyway, A FEMA inspector was there at their house yesterday and, others in their area...and, he was from.(as she says) downstate in ..MARINE, IL. Don't know who he was..but, she thought it was pretty funny to have a WATER inspector..from MARINE. I really like her blog..(she uses a lot of 'F' bombs)...but, still pretty interesting articles.
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